Minisode: The Horror Movie That Started it All w/Ava Fields

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Remember the first horror movie that terrified you so bad you had to sleep with your parents? Or the one that made you go “wait a minute… I actually love horror!” The Dogs think back to those early days and recall the films that started it all and just what it is we love about horror… with with special guest Ava Fields of Apt Horror. We also go off topic and rant about the bad rap horror fans get, filmmaking at its finest, and why are there so many movies about sharks???

00:57 – About Ava’s Apt Horror project

14:37 – Intro to Today’s Topic

15:40 – Ava’s Movies

23:30 – David’s Origin Story

34:49 – Devin’s Horror Theory


What films started your love for horror? Let us know at:


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And Ava Fields at:


Theme by Adaam James Levin Areddy. Cover art by Omri Kadim