Interview with Anthony Mrocka Medium and Mentor

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I had the absolute pleasure of interviewing Anthony Mrocka, a New Jersey base medium who is a phenomenal medium and mentor. 

I was drawn to Anthony as a medium from his YouTube videos : 

He shared openly about the fears mediums face and his own fears he overcame stepping into this work. Some questions we discuss in this interview: 

  • How did you find you connected with Spirit? 
  • The Clairs, what is your strongest Clair? 
  • What is the balance between evidence and messages? 
  • Is mediumship evolving?
  • What is the most common fear of the student 
  • What philosophies do you give them to transcend their fears? 
  • How do you get names? 

This is a very down to earth and generous light worker! You can also watch this interview on my Youtube Channel here: 

Find out more about Anthony on his Facebook page: 

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