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NEW BLACK SUPER MOON (JULY 31ST) – So here’s what’s happening with this new moon energy. The Black Moon means it’s second new moon in July…AND Mercury will be going direct the very same day…What does this mean for you? With this New Black Super Moon energy you might be feeling the urge to:

Clear energetic clutter.


Or tie up loose ends.

Feeling the urge to make room for new projects, or things you wanted to accomplish in the up and coming months. This is also a time where some “unresolved” issues or feelings will need to be addressed, resolved, or forgiven. Especially when it comes to making peace with current or past relationships. Keeping in mind that making peace is not forcing an outcome that fits your timeline. It’s allowing opportunity to unfold in the next few months.

However, there’s a hiccup. With Mercury going direct, it is switching stations, and this means you will feel like you are stuck in “thick energetic mud”. As it prepares to shift directions, your energy flow will slow down, and if you are sensitive you are probably also feeling:



Even unproductive

And this is frustrating because it feels as if you have two energies, and two different urges working against each other. For instance, feeling the urge to clear energetic space for new energy moving through, but all you want to do is sit on the couch or take a nap. The vision is there, but the motivation is not.

But not to worry, as we move into August the planetary energy speeds up again, and there will be some force behind it. This force will push you through any energetic mud, and propel you towards any intentions that you have set.

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