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History’s ‘The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch’ featured host / investigator, astrophysicist, aerospace engineer, optical scientist, science fiction author, DR. TRAVIS TAYLOR, discusses season #1 archived exclusive special airing, SATURDAY 4/15, 12pm PST, 3pm EST, 8pm primetime U.K. GMT!! 

Dr. Taylor reveals his scientific theories on ‘ghosts’, friendships among the Skinwalker location crew, balancing family life while investigative filming, personal favorite eerie ranch investigative moments surrounding season #1; and much more.

Originally aired – 4/18/2020.  ENJOY:)


Special YouTube ‘in-studio’ video version…  (Simply, cut-and-paste link into your web brower for reply)


Watch History’s ‘The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch’ season #4, Tuesdays 10/9C.