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Jacob Budenz joins me to discuss Greco-Roman witchcraft, and in particular the influences of a number of classical texts have had upon modern witchcraft practices. We discuss “Idyll II” by Theocritus, Euripides’ Medea, and Metamorphoses by Apueleius (aka The Golden Ass).

Jacob is a queer author, multi-disciplinary performer, educator, and witch with an MFA from University of New Orleans and a BA from Johns Hopkins whose work focuses broadly on the intersection of otherness and the otherworldly. The author of magic realist short story collection Tea Leaves (Bywater Books 2023) and poetry chapbook Pastel Witcheries (Seven Kitchens Press 2018), Budenz has fiction and poetry in traditional print journals including Slipstream and Assaracus, zeitgeisty online journals including Taco Bell Quarterly and Wussy Mag, and lauded anthologies by Mason Jar Press and Unbound Edition. In addition to writing, Jake is the front person for Baltimore-based psychedelic witchpop darlings Moth Broth and has received awards and accolades for original theater work including a new adaptation of Mikhail Bulgakov’s The Master and Margarita (Baltimore City Paper’s Top Ten Staged Productions of 2016) and an original cabaret play about immortality and the cultural icon of the witch, Simaetha: a Dreambaby Cabaret (Baker Innovative Projects Grants, 2019).


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Sword + Scythe creates handmade materia magica, amulets, astrological talismans, and provides divinatory services under the auspices of Mars and Saturn. Visit at swordandscythe.com

Sword + Scythe

Register now for The Magical Philosophy of Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa!

This class explores Agrippa’s theory of divine light as illustrated in Three Books of Occult Philosophy. Together, we will examine divine light’s role in interior and exterior perception, an essential foundation for understanding the practice and theory of image magic.
Learn how active perception with the inner senses is core to Agrippa’s magical philosophy, and learn techniques for empowering magical images using this theory of divine light.

The Magical Philosophy of Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa

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