Ep 135 – The Chronicles of Meonia – A conversation with Giuseppe La Rosa and his ancient artefact prtections

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In this episode, we speak to Giuseppe La Rosa about his book, The Chronicles of Meonia and his life find ing and protecting the ancient artifacts.

The Chronicles of Meonia is a true story, revealing the search by a group of people known as The Order of Meonia to discover mystical artefacts that had been hidden for hundreds of years. Following paranormal and psychic clues, the Order were witness to incredible displays of paranormal phenomena, eventually retrieving many of these objects. Some of these artefacts had been placed beyond time and space by former members of the Meonia Group in past ages, indicating that they were in possession of powerful occult knowledge. What this knowledge entailed, the search continues?

What do you make of this?

Buy the book – https://amzn.eu/d/1cnN1YA
