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It’s back to just us ghoul-friends this week! And we managed to both have some witch storiez to tell. Sarah starts off with the strange death of Christopher Case. Shoutout to Reddit user r/chickenwinganxiety for the write up. Is Chris’ death easily explainable with the diagnosis of acute myocarditis, OR, was it the curse of a witch that came to deadly fruition?? Either way – if you learn something, it’s your own fault.
Stephanie wraps up the episode with some Pennsylvania Dutch history. Did you know they practiced their own spells, rituals, and even pow-wows? And the colorful decoration you see on the outside of barns is actually a “Hex Sign” that’s meant to ward off the Devil and other evil spirits.
It’s a lighter episode than previous weeks, and what can we say…it’s a nice episode for some white witches.