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It’s the final week before GUESTOBERFEST!!! Are ya’ll excited?? Because we freakin are!!
But in the meantime – enjoy another episode where we just dive right into things (don’t worry, there’s plenty of banter at the end). Sarah starts us off with a good ol’fashioned Revolutionary War Ghost Story: the story of Melrose Hall in New York City and William Axtell the British Loyalist who lived there. Melrose Hall housed more than just a family; it was the home to many secrets (and secret passageways).
Stephanie finishes off with the recent-ish story of the outing of Rachel Dolezal. Some might remember her story – but there is so much more that we don’t know.
Tune in next week for Episode 1 of Guestoberfest Vol.3 with our first guest of the season: Josh Hawkins!! We also have big things planned for the rest of October (hint: bonus content….maybe…..new merch….maybe….ghost dicks….hopefully)