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This week’s episode Jas and Sherm your Audio Curators, are back in the slammer. Do not pass go, do not collect $50 – straight to the Big House. Actually this episode was recorded in the courtyard behind 444 York Ave, It is now a parking lot for provincial vehicles but was once the location where the hanging of criminals took place.
You have to pardon the sound quality freaky winds that picked up out of nowhere and low volume on our guest Co-Host T’s mic.,

In Part 2 we will talk more about the Hauntings known to happen at the jail and meet Famous.

As well……This week is the final week for our FaceBook Contest, for your chance to win a $100 Gift Certiicate towards a night’s stay at the Mariaggi Theme Suites & Spa Hotel! Enter today!!!
Winnipegger Susan Ainley!
Enjoy this week’s new episode!

If you have a local paranormal story of Winnipeg or in Manitoba, please email us at giivinguptheghostpodcast.@gmail.com – or if you just want to say ‘Hi’!!!

Music by Ruesche-Sounds https://www.youtube.com/channel/USqXO

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