
#37: As “Federal” As Federal Express

The scam of central banking is something that the vast majority of people never think about, let alone understand. Banking is boring, so most people focus on other things, but they do so at their detriment. The creation of the Federal Reserve Bank was a secretive affair because the men involved understood that if anyone…

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#36: End The Fed | John Thore Sneisen

Most people have no idea how money actually works, and that is not an accident. The banks have no interest in educating the people about the greatest scam even invented: fiat currency. John Thore Sneisen has written multiple books explaining how the money creation process works, and it just might be one of the best…

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#35: Propaganda: Made in America Since 2012

Those dirty Russians used propaganda to convince their people that their country was indestructible, that their system of government was popular, and that bread lines were normal. Those poor bastards with their lying government were the laughing stock of the world because it was obvious that the people were not getting the truth from those…

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#34: The Power of Words | Benny Wills from Joy Camp

The words that come out of our mouths create a version of reality that we are forced to live in, so it pays to choose your words carefully. Nobody knows the power of words more than Benny Wills, the co-founder of Joy Camp, and a professional actor for almost two decades. His show “Words, Words,…

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#33: The War on Whistleblowers

The Department of Homeland Security ran an advertising campaign targeting the American people where the tagline was “if you see something, say something”. You mean like Chelsea Manning did? Or like Julian Assange? What about Edward Snowden? American history is littered with examples of people that “saw something” then later “say something” being buried under…

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#32: 34 Years In Hell | Jamie Morgan Kane

Imagine doing 34 years in San Quentin State Prison for a murder that you did not commit? How would that change the way that you see the prison system, and the world, for that matter? Jamie Morgan Kane took the rap for a murder that his wife committed, then spent the next third of a…

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#31: Private Prisons Are A Crime Against Humanity

Capitalism can be a great thing, but there are aspects of American society where making money should not be the focal point. Profiting from the incarceration of human beings is along the same line as owning slaves, and in some cases in American prisons, indistinguishable from one another. America has 5% of the world’s population,…

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#30: Doing Hard Time in Australia, Thailand, and Pakistan | David McMillan

International drug trafficker and man of mystery, David McMillan, explains what it is like to escape a death penalty in Thailand, spend a decade in the worst prison in Australia, and have his own servants while doing time in Karachi. For those interested in how a smuggling operation is run, David McMillan breaks down in…

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#29: Human Race Riots

What do you get when you mix 50 years of systemic racism with 30% unemployment, then add in three months of countrywide house arrest for the entire population, and the murder of a black man in broad daylight, right in front of a camera? You get manufactured race riots that are stoked by the corporate…

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#28: Not So Quiet Riot | Bishop Larry Gaiters

Slavery might have officially ended over 150 years ago, but a case can be made that it never really went away, but rather it just changed forms. The physical chains may have been removed, but like the Elephant Principle, sometimes the emotional chains remain. The Black community has some legitimate reasons for rising up against…

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