Case file 171-The Lubbock Lights and Levelland UFO Cases

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In 1952 The United States Air Force began to experience an unprecedented build-up of reports of sightings of unidentified aerial phenomenon. Project Blue Book had been tasked to investigate these sightings which included events like the Washington flap. These sightings had become such a large concern the Director of Central Intelligence, General Walter Bedell Smith, issued a memo voicing his worries these events could be seen as some kind of psychological warfare and perhaps begin a widespread panic. The year prior, even before Project Blue Book had been formed, The U.S. Air Force had already begun investigating these occurrences and collecting interviews with witnesses. One of the earliest cases to be investigated was a sighting that happened in a town in northeast Texas. Over a period of several days, witnesses reported strange luminous objects that silently passed over their town in close formation at tremendous speeds. This event was closely followed by another even more fantastic mass sighting just 30 miles east. This case file, join the Theorists as they make a mess of Texas in…The Lubbock Lights and Levelland UFO cases

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