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Beware The Leprechaun – St. Patrick’s Day Special

Well, Gosh and Begora! Tis’ the greenest day of the year! Kiss my Blarney stone and pass the green beer!! On today’s special episode, Jas and Sher wish they could chase the rainbow to find their pot of gold, but instead they discuss everything ‘Leprechaun’. The stuff legends and nightmares are made of. These mischievous little creatures have a been around for centuries. Are they peaceful and fun loving elf like creatures ….or… are they sadistic, selfish evil goblins?

Listen to today’s tribute to St. Patrick’s Day, concentrating on all that is Leprechauns.

Background music on this episode is royalty free. ‘Irish Success’ by Jayman at www.ourmusic.com and ‘Nomadic Sunset’ by Alexander Nakanroda on patreon / www.serpentsoundstudios.com

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