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Episode 26

Published in 1968, Chariot of the Gods?, written by Erich Von Daniken, sparked a movement of thought and belief that endeavored to rewrite our understanding of the origins of human civilization and advancement. Von Daniken proposed that the historical record was proof of ancient extraterrestrial visitation and intervention across nearly all of the developing cultures throughout antiquity. These records, comprised of ancient artwork, mythological and religious texts, and even architectural structures, were not symbolic of supernatural belief systems and figurative understandings of mythical beings, but rather literal, misunderstood depictions of alien astronaut interactions with early cultures. Mankind advanced by learning from these ancient visitors, undertaking massive stone construction, advanced mythologies, astronomical reference, and even advanced technological mechanics.

These ideas influenced pop culture and media for decades, spurring televisions shows, books and movies based on these ideas. Even today, Ancient Alien hypothesis is discussed and debated. 

Von Daniken was not the only major influence though, and any discussion of Ancient Aliens would be remiss without a thorough review of the works of Zecharia Sitchin. Sitchin brought a different approach to the influence of ancient alien visitors in antiquity. Building his research from self-taught translation of cuneiform texts, Sitchin proposed an entire origin story to the very biological beginnings of mankind, stemming from an ancient race of alien beings, known as the Anunnaki. Heralding from the planet Nibiru, a far reaching planet within our own solar system, these Anunnaki came to Earth in search of gold to protect their planet’s atmosphere. The Anunnaki, wanting their own race of workers to serve their needs, created, through genetic experimentation, modern humans, influencing their development and ultimately forming the early Sumerian culture. 

Joined by guest co-host Mike Nelson, we tackle the history and ideas of these two influential authors that gave rise to the massive phenomenon known as Ancient Alien Theory.


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