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ADC (After Death Communication) with Mel G.
Messages from our dearly departed are always welcomed. We want to make sure they are ok and at peace. This week’s episode welcomes Mel G. to the PodLounge to discuss the heartbreak of losing her Brother John, suddenly, in a tragic vehicle accident in 2000. She was told he passed instantly.
She discusses with our Audio Curators Jas and Sher, being given signs from her brother that he is still very much with her family and validated he was thinking of them as much as they were thinking of him. In the most miraculous ways each family member has encountered subtle yet deep meaning messages that no one could deny it being from John. In turn, Mel continues her search for answers on what’s on the other side of the veil by working with Winnipeg Paranormal group.
It proves that love is eternal and continues on in the afterlife and love of family is strong and everlasting.
Always make sure you tell your loved ones that you love them, because you never know when it’s your last day on earth.