A Long and Winding Road, A Theorite-stravaganza | Case File 300

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2023 marks a milestone in the annals of auditory exploration. As the calendar pages turn, we find ourselves at the grand juncture of the 300th episode of our beloved podcast. From its humble beginnings, weaving through the intricate tapestry of history, unearthing hidden truths, and venturing into the realms of the mysterious and the unexplained, this podcast has been more than a journey—it’s been a revelation. Throughout these 300 episodes, we’ve traversed time and space, delved into the depths of human ingenuity, and soared through the cosmos of curiosity. We’ve dissected conspiracies, illuminated forgotten chapters of history, and dared to question the unquestionable. Our voices have echoed in the ears of the inquisitive, sparking minds and stirring souls. In this celebratory episode, join us as we stroll down memory lane, revisiting the remarkable and the bizarre, the groundbreaking and the earth-shaking. We raise our glasses to you, our loyal listeners, who’ve been the compass guiding us through this odyssey of the obscure and the profound. Welcome to Case File 300: Alien Theorists Theorizing Theorite-stravaganza

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