Psychic Cowgirl

Hosted ByPsychic Cowgirl

Wisdom from an illustrious Psychic Cowgirl ®; Reverend Shannon Laackmann B.Msc, C.Ht brings a practical cowgirl wisdom to metaphysical topics to help you increase your awareness, intuition and understanding of yourself on your personal journey. Warning: hanging out with this Psychic Cowgirl will automatically raise your vibration, and increase your intuitive talents.

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Pure Positive Energy replay

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Take a break from your worries and stresses.  Listen to this Guided Imagery to connect you to Pure Positive Energy.  
The benefits will amaze you.  Once you

Energies of Unfinished Business

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Do you have questions about a situation or a person in your life that you have not asked? 
This can show up as unfinished business and lead to regret.  Some

Eclipse Energy and Emotions

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Did you feel a lot of feelings with the eclipse energy?

Soul Care

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Let’s chat about Soul Care for protection and boundaries In navigating challenging circumstances  I am also going to share a soul-nourishing mediumship experie

Creating Community

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Creating Connections is not always easy, is it?  There is an energy right now of soul nudges to connect with like-minded or simply interesting people.  Are yo

Energy Clutter Clearing

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Do you spring-clean your Energy Systems?  Let go of people, situations, and things that are weighing your energy down or shift your perceptions  by understand

Inner Strength

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What are your empowerment tools?

Empaths and Phoniness

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How to deal with insecure and phony people as an empath

Grounding and Connecting

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Can you stay grounded while connecting to people?

Soul Nudges

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Are you being nudged by the Universe?

Negative Energy and Empaths

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How do you handle psychic attacks or negative energy sent your way when you can feel everything?

Empaths and Obligation

Empath Rejuvenation and Boundaries

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Boundaries are limits we set for ourselves when we are aware of what we need to feel secure and healthy. Getting clarity on ourselves and our priorities aids

Intentions and Soul Wisdom

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Intentions matter on this journey of life

Embracing 2024 Energies

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Was 2023 a surprising year?  yes.  Was I prepared for it all? No
With the circumstances I was dealing with I did not do my usual gathering of information to

Letting Go of Burdens

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You can give yourself the gift of releasing burdens that are too much

Awareness and Self Value

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You are Amazing. In this crunchy, uncertain world it is easy to self-blame and overthink.
Realizing our worthiness and not letting anything or anyone take t

Cord Cutting to Release Obligations

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Releasing obligations that are not in alignment anymore