392: Episode 392 – SFGT | Amy’s Bright Eyes | Lily Madwhip – There is Nothing wrong with my Brain!

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Episode 392 – SFGT | Amy’s Bright Eyes | Lily Madwhip – There is Nothing wrong with my Brain!

Title: Amy’s Bright Eyes
Author: Arleaf Shiro Yang
Submitted as a listener story

Title: My Name is Lily Madwhip and There’s Nothing Wrong With My Brain
Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/Lillian_Madwhip/comments/ao9czz/my_name_is_lily_madwhip_and_theres_nothing_wrong/
Author: Lillian_Madwhip

Topic: #Nosleep #Creepy #Storytelling #Fiction #LilyMadwhip

A boy feels lonely….has so for all his youth…until he meets Amy, whose eyes lights up the darkest parts of his life…in more ways than one….and Lily Madwhip takes a trip to the hospital for her scheduled MRI, where she meets man more….weasel…that person, at least in her eyes. Welcome listeners to your dose of unique stories, written by unique and creative people, just like you. Our first story is a short tale written by Arleaf Shiro Yang titled Amy Bright Eyes, and our second story is by Lillian_Madwhip, titled My Name is Lillian Madwhip and there’s nothing wrong with my Brain.

Right now I’m drinking Melbourne black tea, which is a nice mix between Russian caravan, and an earthy bitterness of a good black tea. Sooooo nice – so pour yourself a lovely tea, turn the lights off, the sound up, join me, for two unique stories.

Thank you so much for listening to the #podcast mates!

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Fantastic Music Links and Credit – Public Domain:

CO.AG – goo.gl/hQZW8Z

Myuuji – www.youtube.com/user/myuuji

NCM: www.youtube.com/channel/UCHEioEoqyFPsOiW8CepDaYg