364: Episode 364 – SFGT | Irish Fairy Tales – The Boyhood of Fionn [Chapters 1 to 6]

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Episode 364 – SFGT | Irish Fairy Tales – The Boyhood of Fionn [Chapters 1 to 6]
Link: http://www.gutenberg.org/files/2892/2892-h/2892-h.htm

Email me your recommendations: StoriesFablesGhostlyTales@gmail.com

Topic: #Irish #Fae #Fairy #FairyTale
A young boy, a son of a captain, with a looming death sentence hovering over his innocent self, and guardians that both teach, love, and perhaps torture the him to prepare young Fionn for his lifetime of adventures.

Yes folks I have for your Irish Fairy Tales, and today story is The Boyhood of Fionn, where I read chapters 1 through to 6 today and the remainder on the Friday. So the last Irish folk tale Tuan Mac of Cairill had descriptive language of what it felt like to me the animals that he reincarnated into, what it felt like to be a boar, the fear he had as an ageing elk in a forest of wolves – now we learn, and discover, what it feels like to be a child in those days, and the experiences of young Fionn.

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