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ENERGY UPDATE: Many people have been and are still experiencing feeling unusually tired with this last energy shift.

?? More naps

?? Going to bed early 

?? Disrupted sleep schedule 

?? Insomnia (which causes tiredness during the day of course)

Why? Because with any BIG shift in energy, your physical body wants to “hibernate”. When you are sleeping is when most all healing takes place, whether that be physical or energetic healing. Energetic healing is super important because that’s when your “spiritual body” takes time to do some much needed things. Such as:

* Align itself

* Adjust to new energies

* Recharge and store energy

* Cleanse the aura

* Connect with spiritual information

* Seek spiritual guidance

Best advice? Don’t fight it (won’t work), don’t question it (trust that it’s needed), just allow the process (even if you don’t understand it). Know that your “bodies” are working together and they are on point to helping you strive to new levels soon.

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