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PART ONE- THE NEW INVESTIGATIONRichard welcomes a pioneer in the 9/11 Truth Movement, An authoritative mechanical engineer who has spent thousands of hours debunking the “Official Story” of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. She has checked the evidence and draws radical conclusions of a vast and wide conspiracy that has ushered in a New World Order. She has publically called for a New Investigation into the events that happened on September 11, 2001. The evidence pointing to the use of Star Wars Beam Weapons thus ruling out a few litres of jet fuel as the NWO would have you believe.PART TWO – HIDDEN KNOWLEDGE OF THE ELITERichard welcomes an entrepreneur and futurist who is the founder of Multidimesional Creatives. They will discuss new information that can create a better future.  He genuinely offers a vast amount of knowledge on how humanity can start to design new systems in Education, Government and Banking to replace the outdated ones that are no longer serving us.