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1) Friends from another world, confession by Kerine LingLing (narrated by Allie)

We all have heard rumours that Universal Studios in Singapore is haunted. This confession came from a cleaner working there after closing hours and who believed she saw something, or someone, that shouldn’t be there.

2) See what see, confession by Hang Lima Jebat (narrated by Brian)

Every time the hungry ghost month comes around, there will be Getai set up at various neighbourhood to entertain the ghosts and the living. Those who grew up in Asia would have heard that the first row of seats is meant for the spirits. If you see someone sitting there, its best to ignore them. But someone did not.

3) Swimming lesson, confession by Yin Teing (narrated by Chantel)

Hungry ghost month, a month that all Chinese elders know, it is not a good time for any water activities. Nonetheless, Yin Teing’s mom decided to send her anyway. Things started to go south right after.

Special live show confession – Eugene’s near death encounter swimming during 7th month.


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