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UFO’S, Covid, and Tom De Longe; what could go wrong? UFO sightings up 51%, real Covid infections down 90%, actual Covid deaths off by 94% and Tom De Longe is ‘part of a mechanism that is absolutely profound’. Listen in as we look at a report from Peter Davenport of the National UFO Reporting Center regarding the 51% increase in UFO sightings that correlates with the COVID lock down. We also look at reports from the NY Times and the CDC which expose the extreme over reporting of Covid cases. Lastly we look at an interview with Tom De Longe where he brags about being a part of secretive group that is ‘absolutely profound’ and that they have already started changing the world. If you’re comfortable with all of that feel free to move along. If not listen in to learn more. links at ufowarning.com