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The Legend of Krampus
St. Nicholas’s ying to his yang. You can’t have good without bad and why should bad children benefit from getting gifts from Santa? They need to repent….they need to pay for their wicked behaviour!!!

Back in the day, all the rotten children were told the tale of Krampus – Santa’s evil – devil looking brother who roams the Germanic Europe landscape looking for devious children to carry away and punish….beat with a birch sticks….and / or possibly drown and sometimes……. drag to hell – that should learn them into good behaviour.

Jas and Sher celebrate this Christmas episode by talking about the character known throughout Europe as the infamous ‘Krampus’.

Jas and Sher have also been discussing about instituting a Krampus parade to happen annually in Winnipeg….stay tuned…….

Your Audio Curators wish everyone a Joyously Merry Scary Christmas and thank everyone for listening to our little podcast! ~ Cheers!

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Winnipeg’s FIRST and ONLY Paranormal Podcast.