The Emotion Code with Lynn Tucknies of Inner Hero Healing

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TW: Sexual assault, traumatic birth experience

I have been wanting to share one of my personal healers, Lynn Tucknies of Inner Hero Healing, with you for a long time. I was referred to Lynn through a friend and had sessions for 10 months. I will be resuming weekly sessions and having Lynn work with my son again too! We were waiting until she went full-time into her healing career to do this interview, and the time has come! Since teaching a class on the Emotion Code in the Spirit School Collective, many of my students have had amazing experiences working with Lynn. I am so happy to share her with you through the podcast!


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In this episode:

  • TW: Sexual assault, traumatic birth experiences shared in episode
  • Dr. Nelson tracked the emotions of patients and where the pain was on the body
  • Emotions can get trapped and cause emotional and physical discomfort in the body
  • In the Emotion Code, these are found through muscle testing and cleared
  • The Body Code takes into account other facets such as the emotional and spirit body
  • We all have trapped emotions that we are not consciously aware of
  • Lynn knew there was something deeper when she was doing personal development work
  • She was intrigued when a friend introduced her to the Emotion Code
  • Trapped emotions can be inherited from past generations
  • The evidence is given by determining the age each emotion was trapped
  • Sessions helped me clear patterns around stage fright and fear of judgement
  • The change is subtle and the impact can be seen in hindsight
  • Lynn says it creates your new normal and your prior existence becomes obsolete
  • The subconscious mind protects you, and this is where emotions are trapped
  • Nothing’s going to come up that is not ready to be released
  • After it is cleared, you can look back at an event without the negative emotions
  • Lynn stays joyful knowing the impact on the other side of the pain
  • Just by having people talk, Lynn can gather information to direct the session
  • Lynn has healthy boundaries knowing it’s not her energy
  • Firing my coach led to a feeling of not wanting to be seen that needed to be cleared
  • Lynn explains that a curse can be as simple as that person thinking something negative
  • Sessions with Lynn are an act of self care and energetic boundaries for me
  • She describes entities as negative energies that lower our vibration
  • Lynn uses her intuition and is moving toward her own intuitive modality or session
  • She blocked her intuition when she was young because of a frightening experience
  • This work has helped her become comfortable with her gifts
  • Her practice began to grow and she became more uncomfortable in her day job
  • After setting a goal for leaving, Lynn was offered an early retirement package
  • Corporate jobs give the illusion of safety but you create your own job
  • The Belief Code is coming and Lynn focuses a lot on mindset coaching 
  • There are a lot of people holding onto worthless and unworthy
  • Lynn believes the modality can work on those who are neurodivergent
  • She has also seen dramatic results with kids, including my son
  • Being open-minded is what makes a good candidate for the Emotion Code