Please write a description about your podcast.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Artwork must be 600 x 600 pixels or larger (maximum size is 1400 x 1400 pixels). (maximum file size 875kb) If your image doesn't load it is either too large or too small. Please make sure it fits the requirements above. Please upload your podcast logo artwork in JPG or PNG. Logo artwork will be displayed/cropped to a square format.
Check the category that best fits your podcast
Choose up to 3 subcategories
The Same Feed You Used For Apple Podcasts
This field appears like this: By (insert name)
Enter the full URL of your website.
Enter your Google Podcasts URL. You can generate it here using your RSS feed.
Have an Instagram account? Enter the full URL to your online Instagram page (looks something like this...
Have a Facebook page? Enter the full URL to your Facebook page (looks something like this...
Have a Twitter page? Enter the full URL to your Twitter page (looks something like this...
Have a YouTube channel? Enter the full URL.
Have a Patreon account for fan support? Enter the full URL.