UFO Chronicles Podcast

Hosted ByNik Hunter

First-hand witness encounters of the Strange and unexplained.

Have you had an unusual experience?
And you would like to talk about your experiences on our podcast🎙
UFOS, Paranormal, Conspiracies, Cryptids, Occult, Esoteric, Cults, Secret projects, if it's strange it's covered.
You can drop me an email at: UFOChronicles@gmail.com Tell your story.

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All Episodes

EP:3 Naomi Experiencer

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Our guest today is Naomi a life long experiencer and she is going to be sharing her encounters and putting a more positive vibe on the abduction phenomenon.


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Ep:2 Gary McKinnon

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Gary Mckinnon is a Scottish systems administrator and hacker who was accused in 2002 of perpetrating the “biggest military computer hack of all time,” although Gary himself states that he was merely looking for evidence of free energy suppression and…

Ep:1 Tarita And The Star People

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Tarita is a Native American and she joins UFO Chronicles Podcast’s first episode to share her knowledge and experiences of the Star Nations. 

Want to share your encounter on the show?
Shoot me an email: UFOChronicles@gmail.com

Podcast Merchandise:…

URGENT ANNOUNCEMENT: Calling all humans and non-human beings

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Have you had an unusual experience? And you would like to talk about your experiences on our Podcast🎙UFOS, Paranormal, Conspiracies, Cryptids, Occult, Esoteric, Cults, Secret projects, if it’s strange it’s covered. You can drop me an email at:…