Oh No Ross and Carrie

Hosted ByRoss and Carrie

Welcome to Oh No, Ross and Carrie, the show where we don’t just report on fringe science, spirituality, and claims of the paranormal, but take part ourselves. Follow us as we join religions, undergo alternative treatments, seek out the paranormal, and always find the humor in life's biggest mysteries. We show up - so you don’t have to.

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All Episodes

Ross and Carrie Consult Bashar: Multi-Dimensional Channeler Edition

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Ross and Carrie return to the Conscious Life Expo for a Q&A session with Bashar, the multi-dimensional and extra-terrestrial being channeled by Darryl Anka, Paul Anka’s cousin. Can he provide wisdom for our dimension? Find out here.

Ross and Carrie Load Up on Pills: Blood Analysis Edition

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Ross drives to Costa Mesa for a blood analysis by Dr. Nick Delgado, and quickly racks up a bill for more than $1,000 in diagnostic tests and supplements. Ross and Carrie discuss the wide-ranging results, and share Dr. Nick’s ultimate sex secrets!

Ross and Carrie Tell the Best Kept Secret: Palm Leaf Reading Edition

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Ross learns the BEST KEPT SECRET IN THE UNITED STATES! And it’s about ALIENS! Then Carrie attends a talk by one “Dr. Q,” who has an ancient manuscript bearing YOUR future. There’s only one catch: it’s on a palm leaf in India.

Ross and Carrie Call Collins In: Call-in Colin Show Edition

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Welcome back to The Collin Show, where Colins call in. Our hosts chat with calling Colins about their unique experiences. Plus, psychic power animal readings, one in-studio Collin, a very effective exorcism, and Carrie calls out a non-Colin who calls in.

Ross and Carrie Count Alien Fingers: Linda Moulton Howe 2022 Edition

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Ross and Carrie review recent events from their favorite government whistleblower, Linda Moulton Howe, an independent journalist who claims to have inside connections to alien abductees, CIA defectors, and more.

Ross and Carrie Fight the Power: Kelly Brown’s COVID Conspiracy Edition

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Naturopath Kelly Brown blows the whistle on COVID, calling it a government-sponsored bioweapon aimed at mass execution. Carrie tells Ross about Brown’s talk, and about the various belief sets that seem to be influencing and underpinning his theories.

Calling All Collins: Call In!

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Announcing our live Psychic Collin Call-in Show on Saturday, March 19th at 1 PM Pacific (to be specific)! Join us on our YouTube channel at https://bit.ly/OhNoLive, and call in at 323-622-6546.

Ross and Carrie Find Power in the Blood: Dr. Nick Delgado Edition

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Dr. Nick Delgado is here to improve every aspect of your life, and he can do it just by looking at your blood. Ross recounts Dr. Nick’s talk at the Conscious Life Expo on Covid, bodybuilding, longevity, sexual pleasure, diet, and a host of related topics.

Ross and Carrie Meet the Risen Christ: Divine Genome Edition

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A “divine midwife” and “quantum mechanic” teaches Ross to use the “highly sophisticated technology” of “fierce prayer” to “access” his “divine genome” and “open” him “to infinite possibility and the miraculous.” Meanwhile, Carrie meets the risen Christ.

Ross and Carrie Are Not Sticks: Power Animals and Sacred Geometry Edition

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Carrie attends an interactive lecture with Bernadette King, an expert in identifying power animals. Then Ross learns about sacred geometry from Samuel Kiwasz, a retired school teacher who has found meaning in the beauty of the mathematical universe.

Ross and Carrie Don’t Die: Kimberly Meredith Returns Edition

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At Conscious Life Expo 2022, Ross and Carrie attend two events featuring “medical medium” Kimberly Meredith, who claims to x-ray and help heal people’s bodies with only her eyes. Ross attends a group healing session, while Carrie takes in a panel.

Ross Meets Cory Doctorow: Bringing Back Luddites Edition

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Ross speaks with Cory Doctorow, technology activist and author of How to Destroy Surveillance Capitalism, about 5G and fiber, the real conspiracies that the anti-5G crowd is missing, and how you can be a technology-wielding Luddite!

Ross and Carrie Radiate (Part 2): A Gust of 5G Microwaves

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Ross and Carrie go to local hippy hang Inn of the Seventh Ray for an in-person, anti-5G meeting. Questionably-proclaimed 5G expert Larry Gust gives a highly-powerpointed talk about his concerns about 5G’s effects on kids, adults, and the environment.

Ross and Carrie Radiate (Part 1): 5G-Free Edition

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Ross, Carrie, and friend Matthew attend a meeting of activists and lawyers who oppose the worldwide rollout of 5G. They learn about their legal strategies, personal grudges, and strange illnesses. Plus, Ross explains what 5G is and why it’s FINE.

Ross and Carrie Expand their Awareness: Chromasonic Edition

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Ross and Carrie enter the Chromasonic, an “immersive sound and light experience” in which pulsing light and sound disconnect them from their usual sense of time and space, while they lie staring at the inside of an oversized egg.

Ross and Carrie Foresee 2022: Psychic Predictions Edition

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Ross and Carrie enlist the help of various future-seers, from psychics to astrologers to dead people to Cosmopolitan Magazine… to see how 2022 will pan out for them and for the world. Someone check on Bob Newhart, please.

Ross and Carrie Review 2021: Psychic Postdictions Edition

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In this fun 2021 wrapup, Ross and Carrie review the predictions of various psychics, prophets, and other prognosticators. Plus, who is more psychic this year: Ross, Carrie, or lightworker Lori Spagna?

How the Ross Stole Christmas: Jesus’ Birth Narrative Edition

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For today a podcast has been born, and unto us an episode is given. We two hosts of Occident are bringing you gifts, including a deep-dive look at the birth narrative of Jesus in the gospels, just in time for Christmas conversations with your family.

Ross Hunts Cryptids: Cryptozoology Diploma Edition

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Ross shares newfound information from his Cryptozoology Diploma earned at the Centre of Excellence. In addition to favorites such as Bigfoot and Nessie, learn all about the Yeti, the Kraken, el Chupacabra, Mothman, thunderbirds, and giant anacondas!

Carrie Cures Ross: Crystal Healing Edition

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Carrie sees Ross in her new crystal healing practice, assesses his aura and adjusts his chakras, then delivers advice for his urgent medical and spiritual conditions. They follow up with a conversation about her highly specialized internet training.