Oh No Ross and Carrie

Hosted ByRoss and Carrie

Welcome to Oh No, Ross and Carrie, the show where we don’t just report on fringe science, spirituality, and claims of the paranormal, but take part ourselves. Follow us as we join religions, undergo alternative treatments, seek out the paranormal, and always find the humor in life's biggest mysteries. We show up - so you don’t have to.

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All Episodes

Ross and Carrie and Louis Theroux: My Scientology Movie

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Ross and Carrie talk to Louis Theroux, filmmaker and journalist extraordinaire, about his new film: “My Scientology Movie.” Learn about the Church’s response, Louis’ relationship with Marty Rathbun, and more in a dialog between Louis and his biggest fans.

Ross and Carrie Await the End Times (Part 2): Saturday Edition

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The end of the world is still coming, and it’s never been so tedious. Join us as we attend several more talks from Amazing Facts

Ross and Carrie Await the End Times (Part 1): Amazing Facts Edition

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Sick of alternative facts? Good news! In this episode, Ross and Carrie respond to a junk-mail ad for an end times prophecy seminar, and show up to learn from the Bible, via a semi-mysterious group called Amazing Facts. Find out who the antichrist is!

Ross and Carrie Cure Cancer: Tijuana Edition

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Ross and Carrie board a bus to Tijuana with cancer patients and their families to tour “alternative” cancer treatments that Mexico offers but the U.S. currently bans. Are they cures or cons? Find out in this bummer-but-important episode.

Ross and Carrie Audit Chris Shelton: It’s Actually Xemu

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Ross and Carrie talk with 17-year Sea Org veteran Chris Shelton about his time within Scientology, including over 3 years in the punishing Rehabilitation Project Force. Learn about upper OT levels and how we’ve been getting the name Xenu wrong all along.

Ross and Carrie Gaze at Braco: Say It’s Not So!

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Ross and Carrie go international to check out Braco, a Croatian man who heals his followers by “gazing” at them. Plus, hear the dark side of Braco’s story: his bizarre theology, end-times prophecies, and the mysterious death of his beloved mentor.

Ross and Carrie and Pastor Melissa Scott (Part 2): Junk in the Trunk

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Ross and Carrie continue their investigation of Pastor Melissa Scott and her late husband Gene by poring through hours of “Doc’s” old sermons. Then they shove Carrie in Ross’s trunk and go on a wild adventure. Plus, the devil keeps them out of church!

Ross And Carrie And Pastor Melissa Scott (Part 1): Enigmatic Evangelical Edition

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Ross and Carrie go to a church run by the mysterious Pastor Melissa Scott: questionable Bible scholar, secretive profiteer, and former porn star. Learn how she inherited the ministry from her late husband, and what Ross and Carrie found when they arrived.

Ross and Carrie Vape Essential Oils: MONQ Edition

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Essential oils may smell nice and cure clubfoot… but what if you atomize the oils and run them through your nasal passages? Ross and Carrie team up with Jesse and Jordan to see if vaping the MONQ makes them healthy, vibrant, happy, sleepy, and bashful.

Ross and Carrie Are Information: Dream Reality Cinema Edition

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Ross and Carrie try “dream therapy,” a treatment where they sit in a recliner in Beverly Hills and are put into a half-sleep state for an hour, while a guy (or gal) says vaguely scientific things in their ears. What’s it supposed to do? Heck if we know.

Ross and Carrie Become Limitless: Nootropics Edition

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Ross and Carrie try to enhance their brain power through nootropics. They down Neuro drinks, take Alpha Brain pills, and swallow L-Theanine, resulting in some very interesting findings. Will their IQs and memories improve?

Ross and Carrie Audit Scientology (Part 9): Getting the Boot

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Scientology leader David Miscavige and his team gently kick Ross out of a church rally, Carrie tries to go back to attend an anti-psychiatry event at the church, and one of them accidentally gets invited to L. Ron Hubbard’s birthday party (and goes).

Ross and Carrie Audit Scientology (Part 8): The Purification Rundown Rundown

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Ross prepares for Scientology’s hardcore detox program, in which he’ll sweat out his toxins in a sauna and chug niacin until he’s free of the harmful effects of… peas? Plus, when they’re found out, will Ross and Carrie be kicked out of Scientology?

Ross and Carrie Audit Scientology (Part 7): The Way to Happiness

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Ross and Carrie review “The Way to Happiness,” a 70-page booklet that is IN NO WAY affiliated with Scientology, other than being written by its founder, L. Ron Hubbard. Hear about their visit to the group that distributes this life-changing tome.

Ross and Carrie Audit Scientology (Part 6): The Celebrity Center

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We can’t think of a better way to spend a Sunday morning than to enjoy brunch at the Scientology Celebrity Center. Just try to avoid the breaking-into-the-industry course down the hall. Learn how Tom Hanks made it, and learn how to maximize your confront!

Ross and Carrie Audit Scientology (Part 5): L. Ron Hubbard Life Exhibition

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Ross and Carrie visit the L. Ron Hubbard Life Exhibition. Let your eyes widen as you hear the various questionable biographical details of the founder’s life, from being the youngest-ever Eagle Scout to performing microbiological studies… by himself.

Ross and Carrie Audit Scientology (Part 4): Dianetics and Volcanoes

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The “fun” continues as Ross and Carrie get certified in Dianetics. The pair spend 22 hours at the Church over one weekend, learning how experiences are encoded in our cells, what an “engram” is, and how to audit your friends for neither fun, nor profit.

Ross and Carrie Audit Scientology (Part 2): We Stand Tall

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Ross continues taking his Personal Efficiency course, and Carrie visits the semi-exclusive Scientology New Year’s party. Who’s accidentally sent into a Sea Org meeting? Who gets a free Church membership? What’s an “upset”? And who the heck is Ross Blocker?

Ross and Carrie Audit Scientology (Part 1): Going Preclear

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Ross and Carrie walk over to “Big Blue”, Scientology’s L.A. Ideal Org. They come for the free personality test, but stay for two additional tests and a sales pitch. Do they sign up for classes? Is this the investigation we’ve all been waiting for?