Ghost Stories the Podcast

Hosted ByGhost Story Productions

Short paranormal stories, some based on fact but others are pure fiction. Ranging from scary stories to spooky yet heart warming encounters, Ghost Stories the podcast will continually have you asking yourself: 'Do you believe in ghosts?'
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All Episodes

S2 Ep1: Where The Children Play

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For most children, the park is a place of fun and laughter, where they spend countless hours with their friends.

However, what happens when an encounter with a seemingly innocent new friend turns into something much more creepy and sinister?


S1 Ep4: Do You Believe In Ghosts? (Documentary)

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‘Do you believe in Ghosts’ is a documentary made with paranormal expert Richard Hardy, from Fright Nights Northants, and paranormal podcaster Jim Harold, to get their views and opinions on the paranormal.

Throughout be sure to weigh up the evidence,…

S1 Ep3: Red Water (Ghost Stories the Podcast)

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Staying in a new place, such as a friend’s house or hotel, can be an unusual experience and even play tricks on one’s mind.

However, what happens when a seemingly trick of the mind actually turns out to be a much more sinister past materialising in …

S1 Ep2: Grandpa

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It’s not uncommon for small children to have imaginary friends.

However, the thin line between a child’s vivid imagination and actually experiencing a haunting can be a troubling experience for any lone parent.
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S1 Ep1: The House

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One’s home is normally considered a place of comfort and safety.

However, what can you do when terrorised day and night by an unwelcome ghostly guest that you can’t simply just ask to leave?

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