Curly Conspiracies

Hosted ByHolly Lauermann and Brooke Sasser

Get your tinfoil hat on, and let's talk about conspiracies! Join us on Theory Thursday to discuss a new mystery or conspiracy theory each week!

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All Episodes

23. Betz Mystery Sphere

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The Betz family had no idea their whole life would change when they found a sphere so mysterious that it seemed to have a mind of its own. The more experiments that were done, it only created more questions. Where did this object come from? What is…

22. Skinwalker Ranch

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The Skinwalker Ranch has been widely discussed as one of the most eerie and paranormal places on the planet. Talk of UFO sightings, poltergeist activity, cattle mutilations, large wolf like creatures and the Native American legends of the Skinwalker…

21. Megalodon: Flourishing or Fossilized?

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The ocean is one of the most mysterious places on Earth with 85% of it being unmapped, undisturbed, and unexplored. Many species are still being discovered, and some that were thought to be extinct are actually alive today. Could one of these be the…

20. The Malheur Cave

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Every year the Freemasons gather in Oregon and at a very strange location, a cave known as The Malheur Cave. The cave has an ominous feel to it and lots of ties to Native American Folklore. The real secret isn’t that this group meets here, but…


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19. Gough Whitlam Dismissal

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In 1975, Gough Whitlam was dismissed as the Prime Minister of Australia. There were many secrets surrounding this event. Some believe that England’s monarchy and the United States CIA might have a hand to play in it as well. Who was involved in his…

18. Dinosaurs: Fact or Fiction?

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What if we told you that dinosaurs never existed? All the movies, fossils, museum exhibits were all lies? What if those fossils that gave us hints of life in the Mesozoic era had been fabricated for a possible darker agenda and planted by the…

17. The Swamp Gas Case

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For over 50 years there has been a debate in the Ann Arbor area to the Hillsdale area of Michigan. In March of 1966 people reported seeing strange lights and UFOs. This prompted an investigation by the government soon after. People have debated on…

16. The Franklin Cover-Up

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In the 80’s Nebraska was rocked with a case of embezzling money and guilty of those charges is Franklin King Jr. Is he guilty of more than that though? Is there a secret ring of child prostitution amongst our government leaders and politicians? Does…

15. Brunswick Springs

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Brunswick Springs are said to be the source of fires and death for centuries. Is it because of an ancient Abenaki curse, the mysterious chemicals in the springs, or is it all just a big coincidence?

14. The 27 Club

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The 27 club is a notorious club where a suspicious number of celebrities have died at the young age of 27. Can the answer lie in astrology, numerology, or just psychology? Were all the celebrities involved with a deal with the devil? Or is this all…

13. Chemtrails

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Does the government control the weather? There are many conspiracy theories surrounding this topic. The first one in this series that we will uncover is chemtrails. Conspiracists believe that chemtrails are the cause for people getting sick,…

12. Fresno Night Crawlers

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In the darkness of Fresno, California lurks some interesting creatures that travel in pairs – The Fresno NightCrawlers. We can’t decide if they are creepy, cute, or even real, but listen to this week’s episode for all the details and you decide!

11. The Mysterious Death of Max Spiers

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Max Spiers passed away on a friend’s couch before a big conference where he was about to unveil big news about a conspiracy theory. His death leaves behind more questions than answers.

10. Lizard People

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This week’s episode is a conspiracy MUST – Lizard People. This theory is intermixed in so many of our other theories we’ve talked about before (and ones being planned) so we wanted to give you an episode with all of the juicy details! So who are these…

9. Toynbee Tiles

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Mysterious tiles started showing up in the middle of streets with strange messages. What do these messages mean, and who is putting them down?

8. Birds Are Spies

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The theory that birds aren’t real is a wild one, but hang in there for this one. Are the everyday birds we see flying around just that – birds? Or are they truly robots that spy on us for the higher-ups? We can’t wait to share this episode with you…

7. The 1968 Kentucky Derby

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A failed drug test led to the first ever disqualification of a horse from winning the Kentucky derby. How did the drug get into the horse’s system? Was it just a mistake or was it intentional?

6. The Moon Landing

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5% of Americans believe that the moon landing was faked. Dive into the evidence with us as we discuss what really happened on July 20, 1969. Did the government go through painstakingly hard cover-ups to put us ahead in the space race? Or is all of…

5. Tasmanian Tiger Never Went Extinct

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The last Tasmanian Tiger died in 1936, or did it? There have been numerous sightings, videos, and photos of this species since then. Is the government hiding the fact that they are still alive?