Conspiracy Theories

Hosted ByParcast Network

The truth is rarely the best story. And when it’s not the only story, the truth deserves another look. Every Wednesday, we tell the complicated stories behind the world’s most controversial events and possible cover-ups. Conspiracy? Maybe. Coincidence? Maybe. Complicated? Absolutely. Conspiracy Theories is part of the Parcast Network and is a Cutler Media Production.

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Operation Mockingbird

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In the fallout of the Watergate scandal, a number of the CIA’s black ops operations were revealed to the public in the early 1950s.

The Crack Epidemic Pt. 2

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Over the past three decades, more and more details about the US government’s involvement in cocaine trafficking have trickled into the public eye.

The Crack Epidemic

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In the 1980s, a super-potent new form of cocaine swept through the streets of America, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake.

The North American Union Pt. 2

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In 2007, a lone conspiracy theorist proposed that the greatest threat to American sovereignty wasn’t a foreign enemy, or even a rising dictator – it was the North American Union, a secret plot to unite the US, Canada, and Mexico into one super-country.

The North American Union

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In the mid-2000s, rumors began to circulate that President George W. Bush, Mexico’s President Vicente Fox, and Canada’s Prime Minister Paul Martin were conspiring to fuse their borders, currencies, and policies.

The Cancer Cure Pt. 2

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If a cure for cancer was discovered, millions of lives would be saved – and billions of dollars would be lost by the pharmaceutical companies that manufacture chemotherapy drugs.

The Cancer Cure

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Since its founding in 1906, the Food & Drug Administration has been responsible for protecting the health and safety of American consumers.

The Sinking of Atlantis Pt. 2

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Atlantis has captivated scholars and theorists for generations.

The Sinking of Atlantis

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A legend, used as a political allegory by the ancient philosopher Plato.

The Lincoln Assassination Pt. 2

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When Union troops cornered John Wilkes Booth in a remote barn after his assassination of President Lincoln in 1865, they were given strict orders to take him alive.

The Lincoln Assassination

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At the close of the Civil War in 1865, President Abraham Lincoln was killed by a conspiracy of Confederate sympathizers led by actor John Wilkes Booth.

Operation Northwoods Pt. 2

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In 1962, the CIA proposed staging a false flag operation to drum up public support for a war on Cuba.

Operation Northwoods

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In April 1959, Fidel Castro visited the White House to meet with Vice President Richard Nixon.

The AIDS Epidemic Pt. 2

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While thousands of previously healthy people were suddenly falling ill and dying throughout the ’80s and ’90s, everyone was looking for answers.

The AIDS Epidemic

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In the late ’70s, a mysterious disease cropped up in the U.S. where healthy young people were suddenly dying and doctors couldn’t explain why.

The Moon Landing Pt. 2

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Low-resolution footage. Shadows that don’t quite line up. Visible prop markers on rocks. If the 1969 moon landing was staged, it wasn’t done meticulously.

The Moon Landing

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Half a billion viewers around the world tuned in to watch Neil Armstrong take his first steps on the moon’s surface in 1969.

The Fate of Rudolph Hess Pt. 2

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When a 93-year-old Nazi war criminal was found dead in Spandau Prison in 1987, some refused to believe the official verdict of suicide by hanging.

The Fate of Rudolph Hess

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War criminal and powerful Nazi, Rudolf Hess, was sentenced to 50 years in prison at the Nuremberg Trials.

Roswell Pt. 2

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What many thought was a weather balloon turned out to be a top-secret surveillance craft being used to spy on the Soviets.