Alien Conspiracy Podcast

Hosted ByAlien Conspiracy Podcast

Aliens, UFO and UAP sightings, and conspiracies!

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All Episodes

A Few Classics (UFO)

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People have witnessed strange things since the beginning of time. In this episode, Agent Anderson recounts some of history’s most intriguing sightings. Mysterious airships, Roman armies, and even a US President (sort of). Come along and listen to a f…

Gobekli Tepe the strangest archeological site ever

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Come along as we discuss the oldest known man made megalith, Gobekli Tepe! This site, uncovered by Klaus Schmidt, is one of the strangest archaeological finds ever. The main theory is that cave men built it, but is this plausible? For the first time …

The Kelly Goblins (UFO Aliens Cryptid)

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1955 Kelly Kentucky. A family is harassed by strange creatures all night long. What were these strange creatures? Aliens? Escaped monkeys dressed in silver suits?  Invincible owls?!?
Come along for one of the most famous and extraordinary cases in UF…

Swamp Gas

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First episode! Michigan 1966. Many witnesses report strange objects moving about the skies. As public concern mounts, project Blue Book investigator J. Allen Hynek travels to Hillsdale to investigate. Is it a UFO? Aliens? A secret test vehicle? Swamp…