Marvels, Mysteries & Midlanders

Hosted ByJames Alexander, Adam Dalley & Lewis Carter

(Explicit) Welcome to the Marvels, Mysteries and Midlanders podcast! Join James, Adam and Lewis as they talk about anything mysterious, macabre, folklore and the just plain weird. Who is the Catman? What are Sky Trumpets? How do we fix Lewis’ memory skills? Take a seat, enjoy the banter and join the discussion!

Episode 01 – Harry Ca-Nabb

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Who is Harry Ca-Nab? Simple wild man? Wild Hunt extraordinaire? THE DEVIL'S CONCUBINE?! Maybe!

Either way there is some strange things afoot in the rural West Midlands. Join us as we take our first look into something mysterious! Also, is it truly possible to steal a toilet? Tune in to find out…

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