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We survived our LIVE SHOW!! We’re so thankful to all of you who helped get us here, and make this possible. Be sure to stay tuned, because we will be releasing our live show recording as the 200th episode!!!!
But for now, we’re only at episode 197 – so let’s dive into it.
This week Stephanie starts us off with a grab-bag of crazy, weird, wacky headlines from the 1800-1900’s. And honestly ya’ll — real life, is WILD.
Sarah ends the episode with one of our favorite topics: MLMs. But more specifically, the founder of one MLM: Young Living. Gary Young is anything BUT a physician you want to get health advice from, and yet that’s his entire platform (and it’s managed to make him millions). Hear just how absolutely crazy this man’s life is, and how unbelievable it is that he started this major pyramid scheme.