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Lake Champlain extends north into the Canadian Province and is situated between New York and Vermont. It is sometimes referred to as the “Sixth Great Lake”. These four hundred square miles of freshwater also has the distinction of being home for an elusive lake monster referred to as America’s Loch Ness Monster with hundreds of documented sightings.

It is said to be between six and twenty-five feet long with exceptionally smooth skin, a humpback, and no scales. It is not like any fish but seems to be a long-lost dinosaur that escaped extinction.

Join Gary and GoldieAnn today as we sail Within the Mist to discover Champ, the monster of Lake Champlain.

Mansi Photograph of Champ: https://www.cbsnews.com/pictures/photos-champ-american-loch-ness-monster/

Video clip of Champ ripples: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rlfIzzk6XLc

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