The Tipsy Ghost

224 : Peoria State Hospital – On Location

The episode where we share our recent investigation to Peoria State Hospital in Bartonville, Illinois. This psychiatric hospital opened in 1902 and was closed in 1972, and it was one of the top hospitals in the US during its prime. Their treatments of patients was incredibly progressive for its time, so this place was fascinating…

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223 : Dropsy

The episode where Boydston brings us some 1800s true crime. She’s really into this era lately, so this is the story of the Burke and Hare murders. Taking place in 1828 in Scotland, these guys essentially took body snatching for the purposes of anatomy practice to the extreme. Meaning, murder. Look, resurrection men were pretty…

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222: Swimming in Spinach

The episode where Lindsey gets to talk about one of her favorite things: books! Don’t worry guys, she’ll keep it spooky. This is the story of the Voynich Manuscript, one of the oldest mysteries. People have literally studied this manuscript for centuries, trying to decipher it, but nobody has been able to translate it to…

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221 : Big Demon Energy

The episode where Sarah brings us some paranormal with a little true crime on the side. This is the story of the exorcism of Joan Vollmer, taking place in Australia in the early 1990s. This may be our musical episode (not really). It’s a story filled with lurching, BDE (not the kind you think), and…

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220 : Lemp Mansion – On Location

The episode where we share our recent haunted investigation at Lemp Mansion in St. Louis, MO. We made our first trip to STL an adventure – we saw Zombie Road, the house that inspired “The Exorcist”, and the Arch! The Lemp Mansion has a ton of tragic history behind it that we’ll go into but…

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219 : The Tracksuit Cumberbatch

The episode where Lindsey brings us some unsolved true crime, and yes, the Sarahs love these. This is the story of the I-70 Killer, NOT to be confused with the I-70 Strangler. This string of murders lasted only a month in 1992 and left six people dead. Who did it and why did he stop?…

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218 : WTF History

The episode where Sarah brings us some more government conspiracies that unfortunately, are totally real. This is the story of the Edgewood Experiment, which spans several decades of the government performing research on human “volunteers”. Listen, government, don’t come for us…but sometimes you were the worst. These experiments call into question informed consent, “the greater…

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217 : Lottie the Hottie with No Body

The episode where Boydston shares a paranormal story of a place she recently visited – the Hotel del Coronado in San Diego, CA. This place is one of the most haunted hotels, built in 1886, and has a ton of history behind it. Boydston walks us through the ghosts said to be hunting the hotel…

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216 : Glore Psychiatric Museum 2 – On Location

The episode where we return to Glore Psychiatric Museum in St. Joseph, MO. We haven’t been here since 2020 so we had to make a return for a repeat-stigation. If you want to listen to the history behind this place, check out episode 16 and don’t judge our amateur ghost hunting skills back then. This…

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215 : Bill the Australian Yeti

The episode where Sarah brings us some true crime that of course gets completely derailed into a new cryptid friend: Naked Bigfoot. But first, this is the story of the Backpacker Murders that occurred in Australia in the 1980s-1990s. This serial killer – we later discover his identity but we’ll keep it a secret for…

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