The Confessionals

278: Bigfoot In Washington State

In Episode 278: Bigfoot In Washington State, we talk bigfoot with our guest Chris. Chris was once on a camping trip with his friend in Washington State, when they managed to drum up the attention of a bigfoot. Their encounter turned into a multi-day ordeal, with the creature even coming into their camp! Chris shares…

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277: Party In The Basement (Members Trailer)

In Episode 277: Party In The Basement, we talk with Josette about her bizarre experiences in the house where she grew up. Her first recollections are that she had “friends” in this house that only she could see. As she got older, strange things would happen, like doors opening, lights turning on and off, and…

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The Wrap Up | September 2020

Welcome to the first Monthly Wrap-Up show with Jack Merkel! This is a new show that we’ll be sharing once a month, every month, to give you a slice of each month’s episodes. In this very first episode, we’ll be running through all of September’s shows, as well as the trailers for our member shows….

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276: When Angels Sing

On Episode 276: When Angels Sing, we talk with guest Michelle about some amazing stories she wants to share. Her experiences range from seeing apparitions; hearing and feeling things she could not see or explain; nightmares; and sleep paralysis. While talking with her, something comes through on the audio that sounds like an explosion of…

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275: The Ringwraith Chased My Friend (Members Trailer)

In Episode 275: The Ringwraith Chased My Friend, we talk with guest Josh, who has been a paranormal investigator in Cecil County, Maryland. Josh has had many paranormal experiences in his life, which prompted him to take up the investigation. In one of those instances, he and his friends were playing as kids when a…

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273: That’s not me. SHOOT IT! (Members Trailer)

On Episode 273: That’s Not Me. SHOOT IT! we talk to Austin, a forest ranger who has had experiences with bigfoot – and he is not the only one in his family who has witnessed these creatures! His family’s bigfoot stories begin when his dad was camping with a friend and heard something moving around…

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272: The Spirit Observer

In Episode 272: The Spirit Observer, guest Wes shares with us about different entities he has seen throughout his life. These entities do not seem specific to one particular place or event – Wes is a frequent traveler and has seen things appear in many different places. In this episode, we discuss whether he is…

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271: Bigfoot Jumped Into My Life (Members Trailer)

On Episode 271: Bigfoot Jumped Into My Life, we talk with Matthew who at a very young age literally had a bigfoot jump down in front of him. From that point on he and bigfoot had ongoing run-ins. As Matthew got older he started looking into these creatures to learn more about them, especially as…

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270: The Patients Are Possessed

In Episode 270: The Patients Are Possessed, we talk to our guest Will, a clinical supervisor at a treatment facility. Will shares some of the experiences he has had with his patients that range from possession to shared visual experiences of the paranormal. He also talks with us about his bigfoot experience, UFOs, and the…

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269: Mimicking Spirits (Members Trailer)

On Episode 269: Mimicking Spirits, guest Chad tells us about his childhood experiences with mimicking spirits. On one occasion, he encountered something portraying the exact likeness of his sister, minutes before his real sister actually walked into the room. At another time, he and his best friend were playing soccer when they saw a shadow…

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