Peer Beyond The Veil

2021 Monsters Ball

As the nights draw long, the leaves flicker red and brown and carpet the land, and the great hearth fire is stoked. In from the dark come all manner of creatures, the lost souls of the underworld, seeking shelter from the encroaching frosts. It is around that fire that we gather tonight for stories of…

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Solving the hard problem of consciousness – Stephen Hawley Martin

Since the beginning of modern science, going back hundreds of years, the answer to one question has remained elusive. However far our studies of neurology go, however closely we map the human brain, or any animal brain for that matter, it appears that there are parts of our being that are yet hidden. The approach…

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The reckoning – Terry Lovelace

Last year, in the previous season of the show, we spoke at length to former Lawyer, Assistant Attorney General and Air Force EMT, Mr Terry Lovelace. The story of his encounter at Devil’s Den State Park, in Washington County, Arkansas, is one of the most thrilling, terrifying, saddening and entirely convincing tales in the annals…

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Opening the doors to the mind – Michelle Belanger

Since the Bronze Age, cultures around the globe have developed belief systems based on mythology, on anthropomorphic gods who walk between the physical realm and the beyond. They have created complex systems of religion which draw on astrology, astronomy and cosmology, even when studies of such things were in their infancy. Some of the most…

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The South Shields Poltergeist – Darren W. Ritson

There are hundreds and thousands of cases of hauntings and ghost activity, spread across the world, and across time. We hear the tales of the things which go bump in the night, the whispers of the shadows who duck from sight just as our eyes catch them in the doorways and corners. We see the…

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The journey to where the footprints end – Joshua Cutchin

Since the times before Buddhism spread across the tribes of the east, it’s influences climbing the highest peaks of the Himalayas, reaching those shamanic mountain peoples who occupied the remotest of villages, the legend of the meh-teh, or the yeti, has existed. Known to the people there as the mi rgod, the wild man, he…

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DMT and the occult with Dick Khan

Since the beginning of time, man has used substances to alter his mind. Tobacco has been smoked since around 5000BC, its origins in Mesoamerica. Alcohol has been drunk since a similar period in time, its first evidence traced to ancient Persia in modern-day Iran. But to truly open the mind, man needed to involve hallucinogens….

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The terror of Devil’s Den – Terry Lovelace

This world that we all obsess over, this world of paranormal and spiritual and extra-terrestrial research is filled with stories and anecdotes that either verify or nullify our beliefs. Many are hearsay, tales that are passed on from sources unknown, the details around them fluttering and changing like the winds. It is often hard to…

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Adventures from the mountains to the mind – Travis McHenry

Across history, the boundaries of knowledge have been pushed and expanded by the tireless explorers and adventurers who walked before us. They climbed into ships and boats, onto horses or camels or elephants, and they set off on foot with compass and knife in hand, away into the fog of uncertainty. They pushed through jungle…

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Mind control and synchronicity – Marie D. Jones

Whilst often shied away from, shunned, or even mocked, a belief in the existence of another realm of consciousness is significantly more widespread than we often acknowledge. Many are followers of a religion, who believe that there is a omni-present god or an afterlife associated with that, who say prayer at altars to beings unseen….

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