
#217: Drunk Psychics, Space Grifters, & Hypocrites | Hidden In Plain Sight

The stars of “Hidden In Plain Sight”, Perry & Brandon, swing by to catch up humanity on what is happening inside the hidden and hilarious world of online psychics, “black conspiracies”, all things Bobby Hemmit, and the four-decade run of Gary Spivey’s dope white afro. From the glory days of pushing the Blue Chicken Cult,…

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FLASHBACK FRIDAY | #25: NASA (Never A Straight Answer)

Everybody loves a good fairytale. There are many stories where the heroes set off on their impossible journey but adversity strikes and threatens to derail the mission, only to be saved by the quick thinking of the crew. NASA loves to tell stories like this as well, but many people have started to ask themselves…

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#216: Our Prison Pedo Pimp Problem

Two guys with a disgusting taste for sexually assaulting children end up hanging in their prison cells where the cameras are mysteriously turned off, and we are just supposed to pretend this is standard operating procedure? What about the other guy in Canada with the Caribbean island and the 727 that has mountains of rape…

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#215: The Reign In Ukraine Falls Mainly On The Pain | Steve Poikonen

Host of Slow News Day, Steve Poikonen, offers his analysis on the unfolding situation between Russia and Ukraine, as the propagandized public adds Ukrainian flags to their Twitter bios in an attempt to fix this mess by virtue signaling. With one hundred years of history between the two nations, it is difficult to boil things…

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FLASHBACK FRIDAY | #31: Private Prisons Are A Crime Against Humanity

Capitalism can be a great thing, but there are aspects of American society where making money should not be the focal point. Profiting from the incarceration of human beings is along the same line as owning slaves, and in some cases in American prisons, indistinguishable from one another. America has 5% of the world’s population,…

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#214: The Government Hates Your Guts

Your Government has no intention of having an honest conversation with you about the effectiveness of the COVID measures, the amount of money they are giving to your sworn enemies, or whether or not we need to actually be starting World War 3 in a country that 96% of Americans couldn’t find on a map….

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#213: Who Runs The World? | John Sneisen

While recording an interview with John Sneisen for his show “The Economic Truth Report”, it became obvious that this conversation needed to be shared with the Macroaggressions audience as well. From Davos to Ukraine to Washington D.C., the people responsible for trying to start another World War must be called out for their crimes against…

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FLASHBACK FRIDAY | #43: The Intentional Dumbing Down of American Kids

The school system in the United States is broken. There is no debate about this, but where questions arise is whether or not that is accidental or by design? Compulsory schooling has only really been around for about a century and a half, and it was pushed into existence by the Robber barons as a…

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#212: The Invisible Government

The most dangerous group in the world is not the Sinaloa Cartel or the Italian Mafia, not because they aren’t vicious and psychotic, but because their sphere of influence is surprisingly limited. They can’t kill all of us. However, when it comes to groups that actually do have a sphere of influence that is wide…

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#211: At The Breaking Point Of History | Janet Phelan

Author Janet Phelan’s newest book, “At The Breaking Point Of History: How Decades Of U.S. Duplicity Enabled The Pandemic”, the case is laid out that what has happened to America isn’t random bad luck, but rather a well-choreographed plan designed to allow disasters to flourish. Did the COVID situation happen organically as we have been…

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