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Hey Misfits! Steve and Emmy have a Bigfoot-tastic episode for you today. They’re speaking with Dr. Jeff Meldrum, an expert on all things hominids and Sasquatch. He tells us about the most compelling evidence — from footprints to videos — and why they should convince the h8rs that Bigfoot is real AF. We also get a story in from a listener about his real life Bigfoot encounters, and real life Bigfoot tattoos — not sure which is spookier. Emmy also discusses a tunnel conspiracy; tldr, the world is connected by UFO tunnels underground. Heyo. Steve and Emmy also discuss what animal hybrid they would be — bring on the Bat Girl and Grizzly Boy memes!

You can Find Dr. Jeff Meldrums Work here:
If you want to hear more from Steve and Emmy, remember to tune in every Thursday for more mind-blowing and hysterical content. You can also check out our blog on our website: misfitsandmysteries.com And be sure to follow us on Twitter and Instagram: @podcast_misfits and on Facebook @PodcastMisfits and on Youtube Misfits and Mysteries! Don’t forget to buy our Merch and consider donating a couple bucks to buy us a coffee!  Also leave us a voicemail at ‪(914) 627-8582‬ Telling us some of your favorite local urban legends, personal and second hand ghost stories, cryptid or UFO sightings, or leave us a funny hypothetical for a chance to be featured in our show!