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Manitoba BigFoot Sightings

We’re baaaaaaack! Jas and Sher, your Audi Curators were able to meet this past weekend and record a whopping 8 episodes for your audio delight. First up on today’s episode, we have a gem for you! Whether you believe the stories you’ve heard from your childhood or not, these stories are very convincing and credible by the sources we are going to share.

Yeti, Sasquatch…. BigFoot, Those huge unexplainable creatures that live deep in the forests have been a mystery since the begining of recorded history. They are called different names, all depending on what part of the world you live in, but these creatures all have the same features and habits. Here in Manitoba we call them BigFoot. Sher was kind enough to do some research and found some wicked, awesome website through this website – www.BFRO.net

This website (be warned it is not secured) has collected an extensive catalogue of very descript, credible catalogue of BigFoot Sighting broken down by region.

This podcast is a paranormal friendly and a ghost safe place.

Music by Ruesche-Sounds

For more information on our podcast, or if you have a story to share or would like to just get in touch with us, shoot us an email at givinguptheghostpodcast@gmail.com

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Winnipeg’s FIRST and ONLY Paranormal Podcast.