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Black Cloak by Robert (narrated by Chantel)

Confessor slept opposite the brother on a different bed, wakes up at night to see a black shadow staring at the sleeping brother. Although confessor can see the feature in full, but he felt the dreaded feeling when the figure is around

Copycat by Yun Zhong Lang (narrated by Lijia)

This happen during school camp which sets conveniently next to a cemetery. When confessor and his team setting up their campfire, they notice not far from them, there were the same number of kids doing exactly what they were doing too, but where those greenish kids where? it’s the cemetery

Know Your Hantu – Dwende, Philippines folklore

Black & White Amah by Dian (narrated by Marc)

Confessor’s uncle was the ambassador for Brunei Darulssalam, stationed in China. Family would go over for a visit every now and then. When confessor was there for a visit, he saw what seems to be a black and white servant, back in the older days that apparently still roams the house.


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